$Id: README 1.1 2011/03/29 13:35:05 martin TEST $ This is the README file for mbgtools-fbsd-dev-2011-02-04 -------------------------------------------------------- Please send comments and required modifications to Meinberg support Contents -------- 1. Notes and description 2. Driver files and programs 3. Installation 3.1 Unpacking the sources 3.2 Compiling the driver 3.3 Installing the driver 3.4 Loading the kernel module 4. Using the driver with NTP 1. Notes and description ------------------------ This driver package has been implemented for FreeBSD 8.1 on standard PCs (i386 architecture) and on Intel/AMD 64 bit systems (amd64 architecture). Unless the BSD kernel API calls have changed the driver should also work properly under earlier versions of FreeBSD. However, other target platforms than i386 and amd64 are not yet supported. The driver supports all PCI cards manufactured by Meinberg which have been shipped up to the release date of this driver version. This version of the driver package should compile fine under FreeBSD 8.1 for kernels 2.6.x, . 2. Driver files and programs ---------------------------- mbgtools for Linux is based on Meinberg's common driver library mbglib and implements the following programs each of which can be found in its own subdirectory: mbgclock.ko A kernel module which implements the device driver. mbgstatus This program prints some status information for a device. The kind of information to be printed depends on the specific type of the card. mbgsvcd This program periodically calls the kernel driver to retrieve time stamps of both the system time and the PCI card as close as possible after each other, and feeds the time stamp pairs into a shared memory segment compatible with the NTP daemon ntpd. This enables ntpd to use up to 4 PCI card(s) as refererence time source, if configured accordingly. Usually the program runs as daemon, but using the -f parameter it can also run in the foreground where it also prints the time stamps and the time differences between the system time and the PCI card's time on the console. This mode can be used to monitor how accurately the system time is actually disciplined, even if the system time is disciplined by some other means. mbgctrl This program can be used to do some basic configuration of a card. Run mbgctrl -? to get a list of valid options. mbgirigcfg This program can be used to check and configure IRIG settings of cards which provide an IRIG input or output. Type "mbgirigcfg -h" for help. mbgsetsystime This program reads the time from a device and sets the system time. If NTP is used on a system which has an unreliable clock, this program can be used to set the system time initially (before the NTP daemon starts). The program should not be run if NTP is active and controls the system time since NTP achieves a higher accuracy. mbgdcfmod This program displays the modulation (i.e. the second marks) of a received longwave signal, e.g. from DCF77. mbggpscap This example program reads time capture events from a card's time capture buffer. This works only with cards which provide time capture inputs, and the DIP switches on those cards must be set up properly to enable time capturing. mbghrtime This example program checks whether a card supports high-resolution time and reads those time stamps from the device, if supported. mbgfasttstamp This examle program demonstrates how to read high resolution time stamps from a card very much faster than mbghrtime. However, this works only with cards which support memory mapped I/O. As of this writing this applies to the GPS170PEX only. mbgxhrtime This example program also shows how to get time stamps faster than shown in mbghrtime. This is not as easy as mbgfasttstamp but can be used with every card which can be used with mbghrtime, even if the card does not support memory mapped I/O. The program starts a polling thread which reads a high resolution time stamp from the card once per second, and then uses the CPU's time stamp counter to extrapolate the time. A limitation of this approach is that the CPU's time stamp counters may return different values on different CPUs. So the program takes care to have the code executed always on the same CPU. Also, power saving mechanisms (Intel Speedstep, or AMD Cool'n'Quiet) should be disabled to prevent the extrapolated times from being messed up. 3. Installation --------------- 3.1 Unpacking the sources ------------------------- Unpack the archive file using the command tar xvzf mbgtools-fbsd*.tar.gz After the archive file has been unpacked cd to the base directory that has been created corresponding to the name and version of the package. 3.2 Compiling the driver ------------------------ If the driver package has already been built before then make clean should be run first to remove old object files and binaries. Make sure your working directory is the driver base directory and simply type make to compile the utility programs first, then the kernel module. If *any* error or warning messages are displayed then please report to Meinberg. 3.3 Installing the driver ------------------------- Installation must be done as user root. Type make install to copy the compiled binaries to their target directories. Programs which only read the clock to display some information are copied to /usr/local/bin, whereas programs which may change the device configuration, or set the system time, are copied to /usr/local/sbin. 3.4 Loading the kernel module ----------------------------- After the binaries have been installed the module can be loaded for the first time. The command syntax is: kldload mbgclock When the module is loaded some some startup messages are generated which can be checked in the syslog, or using the dmesg command. If the module was loaded successfully it should be listed if you type kldstat You may try to display the device status by entering mbgstatus The output shows some information on the device status, depending on the type of the clock. Once the module has been loaded, the other utility programs can be used accordingly. 4. Using the driver with NTP ---------------------------- The NTP daemon can be configured to use up to 4 Meinberg PCI cards as reference time source to discipline the system time. In order to achieve this, ntpd needs to be configured to use its shared memory driver (SHM, type 28). The following entries needd to be made in the ntp.conf file to enable support for 4 PCI cards: server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst fudge refid SHM0 server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst fudge refid SHM1 server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst fudge refid SHM2 server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst fudge refid SHM3 Of course, only the first entry is required if only a single PCI card is installed. Please keep in mind the mbgsvcd program also needs to be running to feed time stamp pairs of the system time and the PCI card's time into the shared memory segment(s). If the NTP daemon is already running restart it and check the syslog file for messages generated by the daemon. The NTP daemon shipped with a FreeBSD may have been compiled without support for the SHM driver. If this is the case you will find a message in the syslog saying the daemon is unable to handle 127.127.28.. In this case you need to recompile the NTP package with support for the SHM driver. Simply download the NTP source packge of your choice from http://support.ntp.org Then unpack the sources and compile the package with the usual instructions: ./configure make make install By default this installs the NTP binaries under /usr/local rather than /usr/sbin, so be sure the right instance of ntpd is started on reboot or when you run the "service ntpd start" command. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recompile ntpd with modified configuration (FreeBSD 5.3): root# cd /usr/ports/net/ntp/ root# vi Makefile Add line: CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-MEINBERG root# make install clean